We provide around the clock, dependable emergency roof repair, restoration, and energy efficiency services throughout the year, in and around the Houston area. No matter the time, we will be there when a roof emergency strikes. We respond expeditiously to your call and guarantee a fast and reliable service.

Need EmergencyRestoration Help?
Call Now(713) 364-5645
Customer Testimonials
  • Jason O
    I had a great experience with Integrity, and specifically, with Jake Kretzschmar as the consultant who handled my roofing project. Jake and Integrity were professional, courteous, responsive, and thorough in their work to get my roof replaced.
  • Stefanie B
    Jake and Travis have helped in every step of this extremely tricky filing of an insurance claim and have been very responsive when we need an adjuster to come out and look. I am so thankful for their extensive knowledge of not just the siding and home repairs, but also their expertise in understanding insurance companies and claims!
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